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Prominent Gynecologist Indicted For Multiple Sexual Assaults

Posted in Sexual Abuse on Monday, September 14, 2020.

We should be able to count on our healthcare professionals to act appropriately at all times when dealing with patients. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Recently, Robert A. Hadden, a Manhattan gynecologist, was federally charged over allegations of sexual abuse. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, our New York City sexual assault attorneys want to discuss this case and why this arrest has made the news.

Doctor Robert Hadden was accused of sexual assault by Andrew Yang’s wife

Earlier this year, the wife of former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang accused Robert A. Hadden of sexually assaulting her. Now, Mr. Hadden is facing federal charges related to the sexual abuse of multiple women, according to a new indictment that was recently unsealed.

Robert Hadden, who has now lost his medical license, has been charged with six counts of enticing and inducing women to travel to his offices from other states to engage in illegal sexual acts. One of those counts includes an offense against a minor.

According to the indictment, Mr. Hadden “sexually abused dozens of female patients, including multiple minors, under the guise of conducting purported gynecological and obstetric examinations.” The abuse is alleged to have occurred over nearly two decades.

According to Audrey Strauss, the acting US attorney in Manhattan, “Hadden acted as a predator in a white coat.”

Hadden formerly worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist at a Columbia University medical practice and was also on the staff of New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Strauss says that Hadden targeted victims who were young and had little experience with gynecological examinations. In many cases, Hadden was the first gynecologist that many of the women had.

Strauss says that Mr. Hadden allegedly sought out and abused one young girl to abuse whom he had delivered when she was a baby.

In January of 2020, Evelyn Yang, the wife of Andrew Yang, told CNN that Mr. Hadden had sexually assaulted her in his exam room in 2012 when she was seven months pregnant with her first child. In the interview, Yang says that she was dressed and ready to leave the office when Mr. Hadden “preceded to grab me over to him and undressed me and examined me internally, ungloved.”

Contact our attorneys for a free consultation of your case

If you or somebody you love have been the victim of sexual abuse in the New York City area, please contact our attorneys as soon as possible. At Soloff & Zervanos Personal Injury Attorneys, we understand how devastating these cases can be for victims. Our qualified and experienced attorneys are dedicated to helping sexual assault victims secure the compensation they are entitled to, which can include:

  • Coverage of any medical bills related to the abuse
  • Compensation for any counseling necessary
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages against the alleged abuser

When you need a New York City sexual assault attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 866-597-8572.