Nursing homes or personal care homes are located all across Pennsylvania, providing care mostly to the elderly. Here in Philadelphia, local readers, whose loved ones live in a nursing home, expect that the nursing home workers and staff will provide the best quality of care for their loved ones. However, that is not always the case. Reports about maltreatment, abuse and neglect inside nursing home facilities continue to surface.
The Trexler Park Manor, a personal care home in Pennsylvania, is under criticism after the Department of Public Welfare scrutinized the protocols, physical condition and bedbug problems of the facility, all of which put the health of the home’s residents at risk. Based on these issues, the facility was given a provisional license that only lasts for six months.
According to the manager of the personal care home, the bedbug problems had been fixed since the facility was cited for the issue in November. The infestation prevented physicians from seeing their patients and resulted in the delay of treatment and medication for some of the residents. One public official stated that the bedbug infestation was not completely solved but that the problem has been contained.
Aside from the bedbug problem, the same facility was also cited for having too many residents. Inspectors found out that the facility had 47 residents living in the home last November when the home was only licensed to handle 38 residents.
Because of this report, many Philadelphia residents may believe that this nursing home placed profits over providing care for their residents. Understaffed and poorly maintained facilities can jeopardize the health and well being of the elderly. If a nursing home resident was abused or maltreated, a personal representative or a surviving family member of the injured party can bring a lawsuit against the facility and thereby seek just compensation.
Nursing home abuse cases can be discussed with a personal injury attorney for evaluation and further assessment.
Source: The Morning Call, “State still not satisfied with conditions at care home,” Paul Muschick, March 15, 2014