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Tag: Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Philadelphia

On behalf of greg On Wednesday, July 15, 2015.

The state of Pennsylvania has pushed forward with some serious charges against an operator of numerous nursing homes across the state. The business accused of nursing home neglect charges is Golden Gate National Senior Care, a company that is in charge of 36 nursing homes. The accusations against Golden Gate are severe, making the company […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, June 26, 2015.

There comes a time in many people’s lives when hard choices have to be made with respect to their elderly parents’ health and their overall quality of life and care. Many elderly persons suffer from medical conditions that simply make it unfeasible for them to be able to live with their families due to the […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, June 19, 2015.

As we all get older, we will all eventually need some form of help or assistance from the medical industry to get by. It’s just the way things are — we get older, and our bodies deteriorate. That’s life. But what shouldn’t be part of life, and what shouldn’t be “the way things are” is […]

On behalf of greg On Thursday, May 7, 2015.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Service’s Administration on Aging, hundreds of thousands of older people suffer abuse, neglect and exploitation annually. Given this staggering statistic, our Philadelphia readers may wonder as what, exactly, constitute elder abuse. Elder abuse can be defined as any act, whether intentional or negligent, directed towards an […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, March 20, 2015.

When you hear the term “elder abuse,” what do you think of? Many people might imagine an elderly nursing home patient being abused by a staff member. Others might imagine a younger family member who is supposed to be a caregiver but is instead abusing a vulnerable, aging adult. Both of these scenarios are sadly […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, March 28, 2014.

Nursing homes or personal care homes are located all across Pennsylvania, providing care mostly to the elderly. Here in Philadelphia, local readers, whose loved ones live in a nursing home, expect that the nursing home workers and staff will provide the best quality of care for their loved ones. However, that is not always the […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, February 28, 2014.

Elderly people around the country, including Pennsylvania, often have health problems that require constant care so that they can live out their lives in some comfort. The demands of providing such care are often so high that families cannot look after elderly relatives and must instead depend on the services of nursing homes. Sadly, some […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, February 14, 2014.

Pennsylvanians sometimes rely on the services of nursing homes to take care of family members who can no longer take care of themselves or who need special care. Sometimes, though, these family members fall prey to abuse and neglect. The story of one Manhattan nursing home is an example. The federal Centers for Medicare and […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, November 15, 2013.

Working with the public interest group ProPublica, PBS’s “Frontline” recently aired a major report revealing that assisted living facilities across the U.S., lack fundamental state or federal oversight — yet the industry is increasingly taking on the responsibilities of more highly-regulated nursing homes. Over the past two decades, the reporters found, the assisted living industry […]

On behalf of greg On Friday, November 1, 2013.

If you follow the news, you’ve undoubtedly heard of shocking instances of abuse and neglect in nursing homes and similar facilities. Tragically, the people most likely to be victims of nursing home neglect are those whose medical conditions make them easy targets — people with cognitive or memory limitations, developmental disabilities, mental illnesses and problems […]