When you incur injuries following a truck accident, you can start a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the Court of Commons Pleas in the county where the incident occurred. However, there are rules of civil procedure to which a filing must conform. These standards mandate the proper forms, sequence of legal actions, and other […]
Personal injuries and property damage often result from bicycle accidents. These constitute compensable damages under Pennsylvania law. However, the circumstances of a particular bike crash dictate whether you can bring a civil action or recover damages. When you are wondering if you can claim compensation for a bicycle accident under Pennsylvania law, call our law […]
The National Institute of Health acknowledges various causes of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), namely, falls, car collisions, sports injuries, and physical assaults. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that almost half of all TBIs stem from falls, though vehicle- and violence-related head injuries are also frequently documented causes. There are two […]
Nationally, few car-wreck claims ever go to court. In Pennsylvania, there are two particular reasons why most auto-accident disputes never see the inside of a courtroom. First, Pennsylvania’s auto-insurance rules often result in car accident claims being resolved exclusively by and through insurance companies. Second, injured parties only have two years from the date of […]
The law of Pennsylvania no longer follows the one-bite rule, which used to apply when a person sued the owner of a domesticated animal (often a dog) for bite injuries. In the past, the court required an injured person to prove the dog’s owner had, or should have had, knowledge of the dog biting someone […]
In the aftermath of a hit and run accident, you may feel overwhelmed. There are steps you can take to protect yourself and others. Here are 7 hit and run auto accident tips for Pennsylvania drivers to consider: 1. Stop as Soon as the Hit and Run Occurs Drivers are required to stop immediately after […]
In addition to things like incarceration, fines paid to the government, probation, and community service, criminal courts in Pennsylvania can also order people convicted of certain crimes to pay restitution. Unlike other sanctions, which are meant specifically to punish the defendant for their actions, the purpose of restitution is to help people negatively impacted by […]
If you have been physically hurt or suffered financial harm due to a criminal act, you likely have grounds to file a civil suit against the person who committed the crime against you. However, achieving a positive result from this sort of claim can be difficult without thorough information about the crime that led to […]
If you have recently been hurt or become ill because of negligent care by your doctors, you know that money alone cannot make up for the suffering you have endured. That said, medical malpractice litigation could still do a lot to minimize the impact that suffering has on your life and alleviate specific financial losses […]
Suffering any kind of injury or illness because of negligence by a healthcare provider can be immensely stressful, and so too can the idea of taking formal legal action over it. Even if you have pursued a personal injury claim in the past, filing suit over medical malpractice is different, and you will need to […]