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Tag: Car Accidents

On behalf of greg On Friday, October 2, 2015.

For many people, getting out on the open road is not only a practical activity that shuttles them from point A to point B, but is also an enjoyable and recreational activity. While many will hop into their automobile time and time again and not experience any negative occurrences, there are unfortunately those who will […]

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On behalf of greg On Friday, April 25, 2014.

Pennsylvanians know that car accidents happen every day throughout the United States. They also know those car collisions sometimes have devastating consequences, including severe injuries and deaths. In many cases, these accidents are caused by driver negligence. Such behaviors as drunken, distracted and reckless driving by themselves increase the probability that a car crash will happen. […]

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On behalf of greg On Thursday, April 3, 2014.

Although most Pennsylvania residents think news about traffic accidents almost always means a car was involved, some accidents actually involve much larger vehicles such as buses and trucks. Because so many cars populate public roads and highways, however, cars are very frequently often involved in collisions with other types of vehicles. The causes of accidents […]

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On behalf of greg On Wednesday, May 29, 2013.

A Philadelphia multi-car crash appeared to be the result of one distracted driver. The woman was apparently watching police officers assist a disabled motorist and was not paying attention to the traffic directly ahead of her. By the time she noticed what was occurring, she was traveling too fast for her car to stop in […]

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